At the Organization tab, you can specify an organizational level that will appear in the appropriate summary gate. Your organizational hierarchy displays in a tree format much like Microsoft Explorer with each branch of the tree representing an organizational level. Click on the text next to the folder to expand or collapse a level of the tree. After selecting a level, your selection will appear in the appropriate summary gate.
This Organization tab works with the following summary gates:
Daily Activity by Organization
Today's Call Cost by Organization
Today's Call Duration by Organization
Today's Call Volume by Organization
Note: The highest organization level is the Company Name specified in the System Configuration Options.
Click on a control or area to learn more about it:
To use the Organization tab, perform the following:
Click the arrow next to the level name to expand or collapse that level.
Select a level.
Click OK and your selection will appear in the summary gate.
Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box without saving any changes.