LDAP Configuration

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General Section

Data Source

Directory expiration behavior

Import People without objects

Retrieve Records for mapping sample

Extension Exclusion List

Construct LDAP Query

Search Base: LDAP://


Search Scope

LDAP Filtering

User Name


Confirm Password

LDAP Query String

Preview <n> records

Unique Properties

The Configuration tab specifies the format of the LDAP file and other basic information.

The Configuration tab is divided into the following sections:

General Section

The General section consists of the following fields:

Data Source

The data source field provides a drop down box with all the data sources that are in the system. If the search finds more than 20 data sources you will need to search for the correct data source.

Note: This is a required field.

Directory expiration behavior

This section provides the following options:

In this option no objects or people are marked as expired as a result of the import.  

Note: This is the default.

If you select this option objects will be marked as expired if they meet the following conditions:

If you select this option objects will be marked as expired if they meet the following conditions:

Import People without objects

Click this check box if you want to allow people to be imported without an object (extension, device or auth code).

Retrieve Records for mapping sample

This controls the number of records brought into the mapping sample.  There are often erroneous records received when retrieving records and the sample provides sufficient records so that you can see what is in each field. The default is 25. Allowable values are 10 through 100.

Extension Exclusion List

In this option if any particular extensions are entered in this field they will not be imported.

Construct LDAP Query

The information shown here is read only and is derived from the LDAP Worksheet.

Note: The Worksheet is used to test the LDAP query to ensure you are reading the correct part of the LDAP system and to choose which fields you want to bring over. It is possible that the level of the LDAP directory you are accessing will contain many more fields than you want to import. The LDAP properties lists the fields you have chosen to import in the worksheet.

When you click on the LDAP Worksheet button the following screen will be displayed:

The LDAP Worksheet provides the following required fields and attributes that can be chosen for the import:

Search Base: LDAP://

Note: This is a required field.


Search Scope

LDAP Filtering

If you enter in a data string you can further limit the information brought back from the LDAP system.

User Name


Note: This is masked.

Confirm Password

Note: This is masked.

LDAP Query String

Preview <n> records

This controls how many records are brought from the LDAP system for you to view.

Note: If the Hide Properies with no data field is checked then a property that has no data in any of the records, will not be brought in for mapping.

When you click on Go the lower left hand pane is filled with a tree that represents the LDAP directory – LDAP Records. Levels can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the triangles. If the information brought back is not what you expect, then you can re-enter the information and click Go again.

Unique Properties

On the lower right hand pane is a list of unique properties that can be imported.  You can check the ones that you want to import.

When you have chosen the fields that you want to import, you can then click the OK button which will then return you to the main configuration tab.