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Schedule Import

Creating a Schedule




Specific Date and Time

Email Options

Delivery Options

Email Message Content

Email Addresses

Note: The information described in this section applies to all three import options i.e. File Import, Cisco and LDAP except where otherwise noted.

This tab allows you to define when to schedule the import.

Note: Each import can have only one schedule assigned to it.

The Schedule screen is as shown below:

The Schedule tab is divided into the following sections:

Schedule Import

At the top of the Schedule Import section, there are three buttons that perform the following:

Creating a Schedule

To create a schedule, click the Add button. You can set up the schedule on a monthly, weekly or daily intervals basis, or on a specific date and time (one time import).

Click for more information on creating a schedule import.

Email Options

This section will allow you to choose what type of email information to send when the import runs.

Delivery Options

Note: This is the default option and no email message will be sent.

Note: This option is only visible for File Import.

Email Message Content

Email Addresses

You can enter in multiple email addresses separated by a semi-colon or use the Email address Lookup to lookup email addresses.