Note: the operators available depend on the constraint chosen.

Wildcard searches allow the use of an asterisk (*) and a question mark (?).  Each wildcard has a different function.

* – An asterisk placed at the end of a partial number acts as a truncation symbol. After specifying a fragment of a number, a phone number search will include all dialed numbers starting with that fragment.

Example: To search for all numbers that begin with “1703” enter 1703* in the Patterns of phone numbers text box. After clicking the Search button, all phone numbers beginning with that fragment will display.

? – The question mark is used in one position in the phone number, and acts as a placeholder for a single digit. It is a length specific wildcard and there must be a ? for every number it replaces.


Locate phone numbers that end in 5667 filter entered as *5667

Locate phone numbers in the 456 exchange regardless of area code ???456????

Locate all inbound and outbound toll free numbers: *800???????; *866???????; *877???????; *888???????; *855???????